Ensure alignment between Executive and Directors on key objectives and results, fostering clarity and coordinated efforts towards achieving organizational goals.
Schedule a 1-hour meeting.
Distribute relevant documents (e.g., OKRs, strategic plans) in advance.
Exercise Steps:
Introduction (5 minutes)
VP sets the context and purpose of the alignment dialogue.
Emphasize the importance of alignment for achieving the organization’s strategic goals.
Review of Objectives and Key Results (10 minutes)
Leader: Present the high-level objectives and key results.
Director/Manager: Present their understanding of the objectives and key results.
Discussion: Clarify any discrepancies and ensure mutual understanding.
Key Alignment Questions (30 minutes)
For each objective, ask the following questions and rate alignment on a scale of 1-10:
1. Strategic Priority:
Question: How critical is this objective to the success of our business?